apparently she's teething. i can't wait to see her at christmas with her little teeth poking through. more pics coming your way...she had a sleepover at grammy & grampy sharp's place and they sent cute pictures!!!
Hi all! My mommy and daddy have finally posted to the blog with some recent pictures! I am the cutest girl in the world! Mommy and Daddy are so proud and love me very much. Thank you Auntie Melissa for creating this blog for me.
how cool is my dad??? he's pretty cool. he hangs out with me and lets me sleep when i feel like it. and he keeps mishka from licking my head too much. and he takes me fun places like the dive shop. i'm going to certified soon. just gotta get the swimming thing down...
man, i'm cute!
my mommy LOVES this outfit
aunty missa save me...
we surprised my aunty missa for her birthday!
mother's day...power to the people
my mom likes politics. i'm trying to be politically aware. my mom rocks, in case you didn't know. she laughs a lot. and she takes care of me and makes sure that i'm happy and cozy. she's a pretty awesome mom. i picked good.